Monday, October 30, 2006
a compliment, right?
Hospital Technician: blah blah blah Motherf*cker blah
Doc: Hey there, watch it when we have high schoolers here. (to pip) Sorry about that.
Hospital Technician: She's not a high schooler, she's a product rep.
Doc: You aren't here for career day?
Pip: Nope. From Minnesota.
Doc: I thought you seemed big for a high schooler.
Pip: I prefer tall. thank you.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
how many licks

Mad props to Sophie for her ability to differentiate between the chocolatey-fruit goodness and the stick of paper.
This isn't the first time we have witnessed Sophie's rampage. For years I have questioned her ability to pick out the fine difference between crappy cotton underwear and anything that is silk. Finally I understand, it is a matter of class, of quality and of taste. This is a dog with a refined palate. It looks like those many years of culinary training have finally paid off; we can differentiate between silk: cotton and tootsie goodness: wrapper. Yo, save some treats for the kids!
In other news, this weekend was great, super fast, but great indeed. Tonight's post comes from unbelievably warm Austin Texas where I get the proud honor of declaring this my 200th post!
On that, good night y'all.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
a wee out of touch
"You know it is me right? The kid who thinks the 'we'll leave the light on for ya' type establishment is the pinacle of fine travel.
I did figure out the grand mystery as to why there are so few women in business however. 16 hour days in heels. Sir, do your toes naturally point into a triangle? I didn't think so.
So, I am back at the cottage wearing some combination of clogs or flip flops and all is at peace again.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
(silence) (blink blink)
pip: Do you mean the petal?
doctor: Oh, yes. yes.
I am sure that mistake happens all the time.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
- Took many naps.
- Went to a movie, The Departed, with Matty and Brev (Barry). Played a killer game of Ocean Hunter before the movie.
- Had drinks with a couple of friends. Have I mentioned that I am a lucky girl? Indeed 'tis true
- I am in DC this week and witnessing huge amounts of corporate excessive spending, ie., our fair booth has an espresso bar.
- I totally watched the Devil Wears Prada on pay per view last night and billed it to the company. I am also enjoying the million-odd thread count sheets, marble everything and the ability to stay in a hotel that is WAY OUT OF MY TAX BRACKET.
example of international advertising? or inappropriate classroom example? you decide.
At work directions: Plug in your headphones. Go for it.

Alternate work directions if one does not have headphones: Turn speaker on as such such. I am recommending a 3 (indoor voice) but you might want to start a one or two (whispered gossip voice) and work your way up. You decide.
Directions if you are my aunt jean or anyone related to me some other way: Might be best for you to skip this one. . . ;)
Other international advertising that I heart.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
quiz- not really sure what to make of this!
Find your own pose!
We ALL know that I think about sleep. a. lot.
Technical score 5.1
Artistry score 6.0.
Apparently my bellying up to an affection for fair churros during the quiz scored me a Kama Sutra sleeping style.
Excalibur Traits and Tendencies
Excalibur couples may battle just as much as other couples (and participate in more than their fair share of public huffs), but they look so good together, it outweighs any other deficiencies they may share. It isn't that they're classically good-looking, or similarly sized (though certainly both those pairings are permissible). It's more that the aesthetic chord they strike satisfies in profound ways. Like gorgeously plated food or song filled with unusual harmonies, the wan and freckled hand-in-hand with the tragically tan, the pigeon-toed with the duck-walkers, these Excalibur couples achieve such perfection in their pairing that reminds the world that anything is possible.
Comfort Zone
Excalibur is in the Wind pose family. Other Wind poses you might enjoy include Softserve Swirl and The Ventriloquist.
Health Note
An unexpected rash or orthopedic adjustment can sometimes lead an Excalibur couple to fall out of balance. Physical adjustments may need to be made, or an entirely new pose could even be in order.
Rads sent me this link. . . so try it out. . .. I am curious what other people get!
**Two points for the pun.
a misunderstanding
7 year old Amelia (whispered to Momma Barry): I think they are in love
Momma Barry: I think so too
Barrister: Did you say get a room?
Momma Barry: I said, I- think- so- too
Right. Nevermind.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
in response to corporate america's excessive spending

Here is a great example: I present my chair. Retail price $500.
To quote my father, "$500? Is it made of gold?" Yep. and on the hour it releases soothing vapors of frankincense and myrrh.
If I think of myself in my theater role, $500 can make a huge difference in a production budget. At my job though. . . no one even bats an eye. So here I am straddled between two or three very different worlds. . . confused.
At least my bum is comfy.
she prefer the pink collar, thank you very much

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
education plan or free delivery? . . . you decide

With just a couple of weeks to go, it is pretty funny to see how the candidates attack each other and position themselves to the public.
To be fair, I wouldn't say that I have an unbiased eye when evaluating commercials. . . but regardless, one seems to stick way out to me. Although, I am not a superfan of this candidate, I do think these commercials are beyond silly.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
i am a tiger
Okay. . .so it wasn't all that bad. Frankly, the worst part was the shots to numb my boobicle. I was a little sore and tired on Friday night but by Saturday I felt like I had just worked out too hard.
I spent most of the weekend bumming around the house, but on Saturday night some college friends came over and we had some yummy appetizers and sat outside by the fire for a bit. It was awesome to have a good conversation and just catch up.
Tomorrow I begin 3 days of 'work retreat' which is code for "crappy work that would be absolutely unbearable to do in the office so we are going to some place prettier to rock through it. "
At least I will be able to wear jeans.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
let's all learn a little bit together
my hometown hero's account:
Fibroadenomas are round, firm, rubbery masses that arise from excess growth of glandular

Fibroadenomas respond to hormonal changes and tend to enlarge during pregnancy and shrink after menopause. Women of any age may have them, but they're usually detected in women in their 20s or 30s. Your doctor can't tell from a clinical breast exam alone whether a breast lump is a fibroadenoma. Mammography and ultrasound may help with the diagnosis, but the only way to be certain of a fibroadenoma is to take a sample of tissue for lab analysis (biopsy). Your doctor may also recommend surgery to remove the lump completely.
Fibroadenomas sometimes disappear spontaneously. But your doctor may recommend

So friends. . . I apparently have a couple of cheese balls in my boobicle that need to get looked at. They gave me a couple of options, ranging from 'watchful waiting' to a 'full cheese ball removal.' I split the difference and am having a half-assed cheese ball extraction. It was my choice to have it biopsied now instead of watching it. I could come back every few months for a couple of years to get it measured. . . but we all know I am lazy and that is a lot of appointments (and I know it has grown in the last year). So when in Rome. . . Veni Vidi Vici baby.
Plus. . . I can still drink wine with my left hand.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
when in doubt. . . take it out
So I had my boobicle ultrasound and I have not one, but two TWO! lumps!
They know that they are solid, so they are going to do a surgical biopsy/removal on Friday. I am told it is no big deal- but I shouldn't lift anything with my right arm for two days afterward.
Next weeks blogging topic: the beauty of asymmetry.