Thursday, June 15, 2006

remember me?

Okay, So the past week or so has been a whirlwind! The play by play:

Tuesday. Got to the Philly airport. Excited, I went to the Gap. Got to MSP. Super excited, went to El Meson.
Wednesday. The barrister took off work and we had a date day including tennis, a picnic, dinner and he re-proposed. Very cute.
Thursday. My college friends came over and we had a picnic in the yard.
Friday. Went out with a couple MBA friends.
Saturday. Went to a wedding.
Sunday. Worked on play stuff.
Monday. Started the play. Great cast!
Tuesday. play
Wednesday. play. Helped with Rads' wedding. play. drinks.
Thursday. Hung out with Matty. Saw the movie, An Inconvenient Truth. Putting flowers together tonight for the wedding.

The next two days will be filled with weddings for both Rads and Perteet. Sunday I start the massive choreography project! CRAZY!

So good to be home though. . . I feel more like I am living my life here, rather than just blogging it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to know you are back safe and sound.
Tell me about the play. What are you doing?