Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I'm still, i'm still pippy from the block

a view from around the corner of my new abode. No, I did not take this picture- I have been squatting illegally at HEC-trying all day to play macro-economics. This is my one sneaky post that I shouldn't be doing. I have a lot to say and will be back soon. . . . maybe. . . tomorrow. . . . after my nap. . . . aah. nap. I wanted to show you what my neighborhood looks like- even though I am not there. Franky went back this evening and he said that the trains are still very difficult and that the neighborhood looks like, well, like there was a riot today.

I also liked this one:

both compliments of bbc

I just found out my grandparents sometimes read this blog-- HI! Miss you! I'M BEING SAFE! Promise. I heard the worst that can happen is having a car burned, and I don't be having no car! If worse comes to worse, and I can't leave my flat, I can, I don't know. . . study? Or go to Barcelona. . .

I vote Barcelona! Leaving in 2 days! The devil on the shoulder beats the angel! Again!

HEC again responded in their own way to the riots today . . . there was a velcro wall.


Anonymous said...

Definitely Barcelona!

Anonymous said...

Bon soir, Mme Dana!

C'est une voyage extraordinaire!

I just walked through your adventures--tales & photos--and am delighted to see where you've been (especially since I recognize--and love to visit again and again--all the cities you've been to!).

What an intriguing time to be en France! You could get wild in the streets and no one would even notice! Ah she was a free woman in Paris...

I'm glad to see you're truly making up for missing those B/J study abroad programs.

Avez vous une belle experience!

John H.

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.