Friday, March 31, 2006

4 days and counting

Caffeine free but a pounding headache- I am really trying here people. . .

Actually, I am in a somewhat reflective mood this morning. Last night we went to pizza to celebrate a birthday and I am not sure if it was the presence of Duane or the grinding lack-of-caffeine headache, but I just wasn't feeling like going to the party afterwards. I came home and msn'd the Barrister who very kindly talked to me and kept me company until I fell asleep.

Last Sunday was daylight savings time here so there is now an 8 hour difference between here and home. The only benefit to this is that the Barrister could call me to wake me up as he went to bed last night.

I am almost packed and ready to go to Paris. I have no idea what to expect from the experience. I have been spending a lot of time thinking and reflecting over the past few months and I am hoping to continue with that in some ways even though I will now have roommates!

More than I anything, I am very excited to have the opportunity to live in the conveniences of a city again. Not that this wasn't a good experience. . . As long as you don't look at any of the buildings, the campus is quite beautiful. The winding paths, the blooming trees, and the emerging green are all very exciting and make me want to explore the woods all the more. However, I have not felt very energized lately and part of it I think is due to the fact that it is very difficult to exercise here. There is a weight room-- sort of. If you count one rowing machine and 5 broken machines with no pins, then yes, HEC has state of the art equipment. With the weather being what it is and the lack of indoor facilities, I have really used that as an excuse to eat way too much chocolate. Tomorrow morning's top priority?-- find a gym!

Interruption-My cleaning lady just came in and we were able to get through an entire conversation with only one pantomimed action. She was talking very quickly and she used a word for something that I didn't know. I am now the proud vocabulary owner of the word dust. Who knew. . .

So to end this rambling entry, I will say this: Despite the neon green curtains, shitty weather and inconveniences of Jouy-en-Josas, I am a *little* sad to leave this place. In a short time, I have come to identify it as home and will miss many of the little quirks of living here. (I will not be missing the mud!)


Anonymous said...

Enjoying your posts. Take good care. Love you! Hi from Nancy.

Anonymous said...

Can you still receive mail from that address? Em

Anonymous said...

Can you still receive mail from that address? Em