Lady Di and I were supposed to go out for this raging night out on the town in Paris. . . and we started talking about gratitude and life's lessons. Needless to say that the moonlight stroll along the Seine with a friend and good conversation got the best of us. Di spent time telling me about her love for her family, growing up in Bulgaria and what her culture meant to her. I found many of the customs to be inspiring and her telling these stories made me feel closer to her as a friend because I saw a glimpse of her humanity. In her I saw my own reflection.
The topic of gratitude has occupied my thoughts constantly over the last few days and is closely aligned to my feelings regarding mentorship. Like Diana, I was raised by a family. I was raised by the gifts of many.
The past few weeks have revealed something that I think I have known all along; I am the luckiest person alive. No kidding. I am convinced in every which way that my life is as sweet as any life could possibly be. I guess the more I think about it, the word luck isn't really enough for me, the word grace seems more fitting. As many of you know- early indications might have predicted a not- so -bright future for Ms. Pip; at best partly cloudy with a chance of rain.
Looking back, I realize that am fortunate in ways that can't be explained by luck alone, circumstance, or even hard work. I understand Grace in an intimate and powerful way and this understanding continues to grow with each day that passes here.
Not to say that I haven't seen dark times. Many of you can attest to those dark times and were there to hold my hand, hand me kleenex, or even help me get to a Target. Although the last few months prior to leaving were trying, it has led me to now, and the now is fantastic. It is through those times that I think I have such a tremendous appreciation for how rich my life has become. Indeed we are resilient creatures, capable of almost anything. Able to co-create our own reality.
Going at this experience on my own, making my first conscious step without the safety net of a mentor has been something I desired for myself. I knew that I would be alright, but it was important for me to apply what I have learned and step away from my incredibly full life. Already in this short time, this trip has given me perspective on the true role of generosity in my life and how it will pull me into the future. In my opinion, sharing your life with another is the greatest gift any human could give.
So an immense thank you to all of you who taught me how to cook, clean, learn, hug, play, dance, laugh, love, fight, be vulnerable and to play cards. I am one work-in-progress who is continually grateful.
Springtime has come to Paris. Forecast for tomorrow: sunny with blue skies all day long.
"Fate and temperament are two words for the same concept."--Jorge Luis Borges
You're a perfect example of this, Dana.
Bon aventure!!
John H.
I have been fortunate to have people like you!
Whatever part of your life any of us were/are a part of, I think we are the lucky ones! You are a remarkable "work in progress", Dana.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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